Our Solution

We offer a full suite of permissioning solutions, from one-stop-shop compliance for regulated entities (Keyring Pro) to frictionless compliance (Keyring Connect).

The core infrastructure to translate and share data is the same, only the way we gather user information differs. The value of our data layer lies in:

  1. Translating compliance requirements into a custom standard language so that compliance rules can be mapped to data points and compared across policies.

  2. Sharing data in a secure way, to unlock reusability across platforms (PII flows) and leverage proof of compliance on-chain (zk privacy).

    • Keyring Pro: customers typically require users' underlying data to verify and hold. We collect user information and route it via API for verification. Verification can be done by our customer's internal compliance desk or a third-party vendor.

    • Keyring Connect: customers are not heavily regulated and can rely on proof of verification from other platforms. We let users share information from any https-enabled website with a cryptographic proof of authenticity. Think of it like a screenshot of a browser tab with cryptography to prevent fakes and preserve privacy.

Once onboarded, users can reuse previously shared information to generate new and prove compliance across various use cases (or Policies). Since these Credentials are readable on-chain, the Credentials mapping serves as a dynamic whitelist.

Here are the main components:

Build your own onboarding flow

Why did we choose this framework?

Our system facilitates the programmable creation of reusable onboarding flows. Once a user is onboarded for a Policy, we can instantly match the datapoints collected against other Policies to allow 1-click onboarding to allowed partners.

We believe this fosters a flexible and interconnected environment where different compliance policies don't have to generate massive extra friction for users.

Last updated