About Us
Zero-knowledge permissioning toolkit.
What we do
Keyring equips financial platforms with permissioning tools for compliant transactions on-chain, powered by zero-knowledge privacy. We enable our clients to mitigate compliance risks and unlock secondary market liquidity with reusable compliance.
What we solve
For widespread adoption of blockchains, transparency must be balanced with privacy, and openness must be tailored to meet regulatory requirements. Most current solutions merely mimic traditional systems—centralisation, siloed data, lack of interoperability, and data instrumentalisation. We should aim for better solutions than what already exists off-chain. Keyring offers a simple yet effective approach to tackle these challenges in a scalable manner.
Where we're going
Ultimately, we seek to transform the sharing of sensitive information to enhance connectivity. We simplify data reuse through a custom language and zero-knowledge proofs. This framework enables programmable, rule-based permissions across data silos, promoting interoperability.
With AI and decentralisation, the demand for scalable, secure identity solutions will grow. We aim for Keyring to become the best automation tool for identity, to build trust in the programmable economy.
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